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UBER LYFT and other Ride-sharing involved accidents Attorney

Accidents Involving Uber, Lift, or any Ride Sharing Vehicle

Our Houston Personal Injury Law Firm Represents Clients Injured in Accidents while in or with an Uber, Lyft or other Ride Sharing Car

Uber and the rideshare alternative company, Lyft, offer safe and convenient rideshare options to get around your local area. All you need to do is simply tell the company’s app where you want to get picked up, and a driver will show up ASAP. The sub-contracted drivers strategically navigate Houston’s roads and make money based on the number of pick-ups and drop-offs. But racing to get customers from one place to another often results in poor driving habits, like speeding and cutting through traffic.

At The Chandler Law Firm, one of our strongest practice areas is car accident claims. Ride-sharing car accident claims can get complex when it involves at-fault drivers who are sub-contracted by a large company. Our personal injury attorneys have extensive experience in handling complex accident claims. We will tirelessly defend your rights, seeking the maximum compensation for your injuries as a victim of an Uber or Lyft car accident in the Houston area. Contact us today if you or a loved one was recently injured in a car accident involving a ride-sharing vehicle.

Whose Insurance Pays in an Uber or Lyft Car Accident?

Depending on the cause of the accident, the Uber or Lyft driver may be at fault. His or her insurance would, therefore, pay for damage and injuries. Exhaustion and distracted driving are some of the most common reasons why contract drivers cause accidents. As a passenger in a ride-sharing vehicle, if you are injured the driver’s insurance covers your injuries. Should it not cover everything companies like Uber and Lyft have liability coverage of up to $1,000,0000 that kicks in after the driver’s insurance has been exhausted.

There are many different ways that accidents can happen, especially when you throw cell phones and GPS devices into the mix. Contact The Chandler Law Firm, L.L.P. for experienced personal injury representation in car accident claims. We will quickly assess who is at fault and effectively articulate your injuries and damage to insurance adjusters. We always strive for the maximum compensation to which our clients are entitled. Contact The Chandler Law Firm, L.L.P. Houston car accident attorneys, today.

Contact Us – Ride-Sharing Accident Lawyers in Texas

Taking action right away is crucial. Houston car accident attorneys at The Chandler Law Firm, L.L.P. are ready to provide you with the support and guidance you need to navigate your car accident claim in an efficient manner. Call to schedule a consultation at 713-401-9455.