Nursing Home Injury/Abuse Attorney
Did Your Loved One Suffer Nursing Home Injury or Abuse? The Chandler Law Firm Can Help
When a family member is residing at a nursing home or other elder care facility, we expect the facility to provide responsible, effective care in a safe, comfortable and compassionate environment. While it is true that many such facilities provide excellent care, too many fall short. Each year about 25 percent of all nursing homes receive a citation for causing a serious injury or death of a resident, with about five thousand deaths per year as a result of injuries sustained because of the negligence of nursing home staff.* And, it is likely that many abuses go unreported.
If your loved one has sustained an injury or a suspicious death occurred while at a Texas nursing home, or you suspect that abuse may be occurring, please contact the Houston law office of The Chandler Law Firm. Personal injury attorneys Sherry Scott Chandler and Lewis M. Chandler offer the skilled, knowledgeable legal guidance you need to protect your loved one and to aggressively seek any compensation due to you following a personal injury, or death.
Protecting Your Elderly Loved One
We trust in the care we pay for when a loved one is living at a nursing home. But sometimes such care can fall short of expectations. In many cases of injury or death at nursing home or elder care facilities, neglect is a key factor. Such instances can include:
- Inadequate medical care, medication misuse or neglect resulting in bedsores, infection, falls, cuts or bruises;
- Inept or lack of assistance with personal needs, such as bathing, brushing teeth, shampooing, or skin care;
- Failure to provide regular, reasonable nutrition in a clean, safe, appropriate environment;
- Neglect of emotional and/or social needs-the senior may be regularly ignored, or verbally abused or ridiculed.
Neglect or inattention of the nursing home staff may also allow for abuse by other residents of the home. If these or other instances of neglect have caused injury or the death of your loved one, get the legal help you need. As your legal advocates, the legal team at The Chandler Law Firm will discuss the details, investigate the circumstances and assist you with decisions about the best legal recourse for your individual case, including pursuit of any compensation for injuries suffered.
Contact The Chandler Law Firm
Don’t let a loved one’s injury go unaddressed. Contact the Houston office of Chandler Law Firm today for your free initial consultation. We can be reached at [custom: phone].